12900 Lake Ave.Lakewood East$245,000Property Tax (2019): $5,880.58Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.40%Buyer: Ali S SaltiSeller: Debra A. Voiyus
2166 Wyandotte Ave.South/Lakewood Heights$115,000Property Tax (2019): $3,972.50Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.45%Buyer: Eric E BouriaSeller: Hadi Bouria
1243 Marlowe Ave.Lakewood Central/Downtown$310,000Property Tax (2019): $5,512.32Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.78%Buyer: Joseph M MunarettoSeller: Stacy D Felber
1319 Belle Ave.Lakewood Central/Downtown$156,000Property Tax (2019): $6,197.96Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.97%Buyer: Alan C Chan and Lisa A. BartellSeller: Arthur J Shepard
1203 Granger RoadLakewood Northwest$350,000Property Tax (2019): $5,947.44Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.70%Buyer: Alexis A. and Timothy P. EarleySeller: Hilary G Sample and Michael A. Hill
1238 Gladys Ave.Lakewood Central/Downtown$30,000Property Tax (2019): $4,449.98Effective Property Tax Rate: 14.83%Buyer: Carol A. and Laura H. DrapacSeller: David L. Koen
1562 Winchester Ave.Lakewood East$99,100Property Tax (2019): $2,812.20Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.84%Buyer: Wells Fargo BankSeller: David G. Schilling